Customer Testimonials

The Opener That Won’t Open Anything Anymore

Your opener is basically the remote control for your garage door—a modern marvel until it starts acting up. Maybe its batteries are fine but pressing the button only gets you silence or maybe some sad humming sounds without any movement. This could mean anything from wiring issues to misaligned sensors—basically tech tantrums that need expert attention.

Note: Before calling help though, check if something’s blocking those tiny photo eyes because sometimes all they need is a good cleaning.

Cables And Panels: Wearing Thin Over Time

We’ve all seen something fray over time—the favorite jeans we've worn thin—or cables on our garage doors doing their best impression by snapping under pressure. If your cable has called quits after years of faithful service or panels look beat up thanks to daily wear-and-tear (or one-too-many basketball games), then these symptoms spell out 'maintenance needed' pretty clearly.

  • Frayed Cables – Look closely at them; frays are like gray hairs indicating age-related stress.
  • Dented Panels – They’re not just cosmetic issues but also potential weak spots where further damage can occur easily.

With expertise gained through countless repairs across South Gate homes, Tommy S. Garage Doors and Gates Repair team knows exactly how important regular maintenance is. Noticing problems early means keeping small fixes from becoming wallet-draining nightmares.When tackling common hiccups with precision and care becomes necessary, our services come into play, turning woes back into smooth operations.So next time you find yourself standing in front of your house clicking, remember there's an easy fix. Just check the batteries in your remote or make sure the receiver isn't blocked. If that doesn't work, give us a shout—we're here to help.